grant me the serenity to accept things i cannot change
you know sometimes, i really am thankful to God for all the things he has given me. many many little things that happen in daily life, they all piece together to form this huge huge puzzle of luck, as i would call it. he breaks this puzzle up, and places them during different courses of the day as and when i need it.
i remember the day i got accepted into VIP, i wrote this blog post about God. shall paste the whole lot of it here, since i chucked my old blog posts into somewhere else.
i am finally convinced that there is some higher being up there, watching our every move and step you take. of course i wouldnt say its God, simply because i'm not a christian and i wouldnt want to use that word so conveniently. but you know, the power of this higher being is superb. it really sees all that you've gone through, and metes out a suitable reward for you after all you've been through. of course, life is not always easy. it does make fun of you, play tricks on you, punish you for the wrongs you've done. in the form of ironies. you know how sometimes its so ironic? i believe its the work of this higher being up there.
so if you're going through a rough patch in life, always remember this higher being. sometimes you might think no one sees the good that you've done. but no, he will examine you, and judge you based on what you've done. even if you are misunderstood or punished unfairly, it is okay. because eventually, it could be 1 year later, 2 years later, or even 30 years later, he will be sure to reward you accordingly.
for one, i've seen it for myself, i know for sure it is true. things that have been going on around me recently just proves this concept of mine. of course, you may choose not to believe me, this is just my personal opinion which i'm sharing with you all and i really dont know why. i think this is really awesome, really magical. almost like you're dreaming.
okay just to cut a long story short, no words can describe my joy today. thankyou for believing in me, i love you :)
this was dated 14 september. hmm turns out i had this thing with God since a long time back, eh.
stuff that happened today just made me reflect. think, about how lucky i actually am. i'm actually in a much better position than many others.
geog test results. i know i'm definitely not the most hardworking student for one. (this is evident in the fact i just slacked my whole 3 day holiday away and justified my actions by telling myself: i forgot to bring my notes home therefore i cannot study) well, that is not important. in any case, i definitely do not work hard. and yet, i passed my geog test. it might not be a very good grade. but for one i know that half the class failed and probably two thirds of this number studied harder than i did. much much harder. i only studied 1 hour before the test, on the day itself. and i would not have studied if not for the fact i was lucky again, that history options was cancelled or something. in many other instances, bio test, LA test, whatnot. i did better than many others who actually studied, but failed. see how interesting God works?
napfa. you gave me strength to complete the run, thus insuring me of my Gold for the 6th consecutive year. yeah something happened to me on the 4th round yeah my stupid heart but k lets not talk about it.
i am injured, as you all already know. today all of a sudden i decided to go home early, since i had nothing else to do in school. i boarded bus 48, and the bus captain seeing i was injured, actually waited till i inched slowly to the back of the bus and found a seat, settled down, before he drove off. the same thing happened when i changed bus and took 154 which took me home. people around me are getting increasingly nicer. i too, am thankful for that. for one, i could have met with a nasty bus captain and drove off immediately after i had boarded the bus, which would probably leave me cursing and swearing.
the usual 3 minute walk home took me 15 minutes today. had to cross the overhead bridge, which was a feat. but this made me stop, pause, think. walked slowly, and reflected. looked at my surroundings: cars driving pass, people walking pass.
happiness. what is it? true happiness. what is it again? some people are actually very lucky, but they appear to be unhappy. some people are unlucky, but yet appear to be happy. people who are calculating take things too seriously, and thus tend to be constantly unsatisfied & unhappy. people who take things lightly tend to be less calculating see things simply and thus tend to be constantly happy.
there are many reasons as to why people are unhappy. 3Gs: God, Glory and Gold. but may i add one more: love. everybody seems to be constantly pursuing happiness, finding ways to be happy. people also often get jealous of what others' own, and lament about what they dont have.
but we often forget: AS we are envying others' success/happiness, we are also being envied by those behind of us who are less fortunate, which we cannot see.
eg. its like how you look in front of you, and you see the neighbour in front of you has planted a very nice apple tree, with many red, juicy and big apples. whereas your apple tree has few apples, small and pink. you lament. you ask God why. you are jealous, you envy. but you forgot, your neighbour behind you doesnt even have an apple tree. he doesnt even have an apple tree to start with, much less apples to eat.
in actual fact, everybody owns happiness in one way or another. we all have it. it is just that your happiness is often in the eyes of another. we often look forward, but we forgot to turn back and take a look at those behind of us. sometimes, they need help.
thought about how lucky i am in actual fact. i have great friends, responsible parents and a loving family. food to eat, shelter to stay. i thank God for all he has given me. what more can i ask for.
after all's said and done, heres the big question: am i gonna convert to christianity? to be honest, i dont know. i really have no answer to that. i've thought about this question since i was in primary 4, when i first attended sunday school in a church because my friend invited me. (okay fine i went because i liked that friend) anyway, the reason why i'm hesitant to convert to christianity is because i question the existance of God. as in i believe in God, but i still have my doubts. and k there's this other factor but k lets not go down there. so, we'll see how. i believe time can prove everything.
cherrios guys :)
04 may 5.43pm